Welcome back to #chucklemums, the linky where we all like a giggle!
Last week we were overwhelmed with the number of hilarious posts. Honestly, I’m not just saying that. There were some blogs I’d never even come across before that had me actually laughing out loud and spitting out my tea.
However, the #PantsAward has to have a winner. Well, two. And those winners were…(drumroll please)
Bad Dadu, telling us why he stays on the sidelines at Soft Play
Captain Poo Pants and his hilarious guide to baby poo
Well done chaps. You win the pants!
Come on the girls!
You can go here to see all of the brilliant posts linked up last week.
HOST: WWW: Picture perfect parenthood
HOST: Mumzilla: Bullet Point Monday
HOST: WWW : Monday morning
HOST: What Mumzilla says VS what Mumzilla means
When Daddy is funnier than Mummy | Squirmy Popple
A Very Sappy Birthday to the Queen – Right Royal M
Through the eyes of a toddler – Tammymum
Disastrous Sunday “adventure” | Motherhood IRL
The Mummy Alphabet
Things that upset my Threenager | Motherhood IRL
Nursery Whines: Food Glorious Food
The Supermarket. – The Adventures of Beta Mummy
11 Lies We Tell Our Kids | Tea or Wine
Top 10 Bugbears (Annoyances/Gripes/Irritants) |
Hypothetical Top 10 Slapping List
A Letter to my pregnant Bestie – beautybabyandme
Kids TV Loves and Loathes – Not Just Phoebe
Potty Training – The Brightness Of These Days
SOS – The Brightness Of These Days
The Captain Poo Pants guide to baby toys | The Cap
Parenting rites of passage — Babylists
6 struggles of a new parent | Babies, biscuits and
Bulls**t Evening
Angry or Hangry? An A-Z Guide – Petite Pudding
Masterbate or Die – The Mum Project
Excuse me, I have to go be awesome … – JUSTSAYINGM
Spitback -10 Commandments of Swimming Lesson Hell
Life before kids v after –
10 Weird Things Which Become Normal After Kids
Being Four
Why I’m Not a Morning Person – Carly aka Mummy
Things you can do when you’re 3 | PickingUpToys
Strange words from the 5yo’s mouth | Relentlessly
Having Kids. Dream V Reality – The Unsung Mum
Really, this book? – two tiny hands
What’s a HEAD LOUSE’S favourite hobby? DrMummykins
Exercise, what’s that?
The Unwanted congratulations! | Whine or Wine?