A waddle down memory lane

The boy is going to be five on Thursday. Five! He’s massive. He’s been a proper boy for what seems like forever, where did my baby go?

This time 5 years ago I was very pregnant, and tired, and getting up four times a night to wee. M asked me every single time I rolled out of bed “Are you ok?” I nearly went mad. YES I AM OK! JUST WEEING! 

I still miss my bump. RJ was so wriggly – I was feeling kicks from about 16 weeks, which is testament to his never ending motion. He’ll never be getting a cabin bed because he would pitch out of it in his sleep – he’s that wriggly. In fact that was his bump name, wriggly, for his antics on his scans. He even punched the sonography-thingy when I had to have a scan around 30 weeks. 

Here’s a throw back, even though it’s Monday. I miss you, Wriggly!


4 thoughts on “A waddle down memory lane

  1. Oh gorgeous!! You looked amazing. We called TM Bloblet and he was so energetic too! I didn’t start feeling him properly until about 19 weeks but then he never stopped, people could see him moving about inside me – at one point one side of my belly was so much higher than the other I am convinced he was trying to stand up in there haha!

    Hope he has a fab birthday.

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