Carry on Camping (SHD days 8-12)

I was about to start with a moan about how by some miracle I have survived 4 nights in a…

SHD Day 7 – (Driving Me) Crazy Golf

I managed TWO kids on my own today. Oh yes, parenting Queen. Well, one of them went swimming at 3.30,…

Summer Holidays Days 5&6

If it’s warm and sunny, there’s only one place to head on the Isle of Wight – the beach! We…

Summer Hols Diary Day 4

We’re all going on a…summer holiday…no more worries for a day or two… We are on the Isle of Wight,…

SHD – Day 3

So I’m already bored of writing out the full Summer Holidays. Ahem.  Today was great – we had lots of…

Summer Holiday Diary – Day 2

Currently am laying on the sofa watching BVTD (Brooding Vampire Teen Drama. Yes I know I’m hopelessly sad I just…

Summer Holiday Diary – Day One

Dear Diary. Blog. Diarog. Bliary? Anyway… I think I have survived the first day of our first Summer Holidays. Or…