Welcome back to #chucklemums for week thirteen. Unlucky for some I guess? Lets hope not.
Last week we had two brilliant #pantsaward winners who are well worth checking out!
The first winner was The Identity Thieves, who took a lovely trip to the beach.
The next winner was The Laughing Mum, who enjoys a holiday… but only from day 2.
Well done! Your #pantsaward badges can be found here.
If you haven’t already, make sure you go and check the winning posts out, along with the other brilliant posts from previous weeks which are all stored HERE.
By now, you should all know the rules. If not, please check them out here!
Don’t forget to grab the badge code!
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.mumzilla.co.uk" rel="dofollow" title="Mumzilla"><img src="http://mumzilla.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/e0871-logofinal.png" alt="Mumzilla" style="border: none;" /></a></div>
The link up opens at 7am Tuesday and closes at 11pm so you have plenty of opportunity to get your links up. We aim to get all commenting done by the time we announce the winner of the #PantsAward (which we aim to do on a Friday! It’s always good to have aims)
We hope that you find something that makes you laugh so much that a little bit of wee comes out (and let’s face it ladies, it’s not that hard these days).
Sarah (Mumzilla) & Fran (Whinge Whinge Wine) x
On to the posts! (Please fill in your blog name and/or Twitter handle as well as the title of your post, thanks!)