Welcome back to #chucklemums for week four! It’s the link to look at when your children are driving you mad and you need cheering up. So basically any and all of the time.
It is getting harder and harder to chose who gets the #PantsAward. We are kind of regretting doing it to be honest. This week every single one was a great post. But there must be a winner, and those winners are:
Single Mum Speaks for her ‘Parody of a Mummy Blogger‘ (yea, a lot sounds familiar. Cringe. Sorry everyone.)
Squirmy Popple for her sweet, touching and funny ‘My baby needs a home‘
Grab your badge below and wear your pants with pride!
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.mumzilla.co.uk" rel="nofollow" title="Mumzilla"><img src="http://mumzilla.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/pants-award.jpg" alt="Mumzilla" style="border: none;" /></a></div>
You can go here to see all of the great posts linked up last week.
Posts from previous weeks are all stored HERE.
This week, Fran has added a post about a lovely trip to the zoo (which may contain poo. As per) as well as a post about all the things she no longer has time for now that she owns and runs two small people.
I have written a post about what we mums should be charging for our services as well as a The Ten Faces of Weaning. Those of a nervous disposition, look away now.
The rules!
Obviously you don’t have to add a post to check out the blog posts, but if you want to add a link then the rules (because there have to be some, we can’t have anarchy!) are as follows:
- Please add a maximum of two posts to the link up.
- Posts don’t have to be recent but they must be yours and they must be funny! We know funny is subjective, but this isn’t the place for the tear jerkers or serious analysis (there are plenty of linkies out there for this kind of thing). If you find your own post funny that is good enough for us!
- Please make sure you add the linky badge by copying the code below into your post.
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.mumzilla.co.uk" rel="nofollow" title="Mumzilla"><img src="http://mumzilla.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/e0871-logofinal.png" alt="Mumzilla" style="border: none;" /></a></div>
- No advertising, paid reviews or sponsored posts please.
- It’d be great if you could leave a comment on the host posts (at the beginning of the linky list). There might be a few but just pick one for each host. We aren’t greedy.
- Please visit and comment on at least one other post for each post you add. Remember to make your comments meaningful (Great post! is always a bit of a cop-out) and that the more comments you leave, the more love you’ll get back.
- Sharing is caring – wow that’s cliché – but if you like a post, then Facebook shares, tweets and links on your own blog are all very much appreciated.
- Once you’ve added your link, tweet @whingewine and @themumzilla with the hashtag #chucklemums with a link to your post for a retweet.