Sometimes, I get stuck for a post. I’m umming and ahhing over a few different ideas, I might have some things sketched out but nothing concrete, but I’ve still got the itch to get something out there.
It’s quite fun to turn to a challenge when this happens, but often they can be quite time-consuming (#30daybloggingchallenge anyone?!) so I thought I would come up with a nice easy flexible one!
Presenting (drumroll please) the “Five of my Favourite Things” challenge. The idea is simple really:
- Choose 5 of your favourite things – either from a room, or your house. You could choose books, or films even – anything! Then take a picture of each thing, and talk about why you love it.
- Nominate some of your favourite bloggers
- Add the badge so they know where to come and get it too and don’t forget to tag me @themumzilla so I can share your posts (and have a nosy, I love seeing pretty things!)
I’m tagging:
Bridie from Bridie By The Sea – I’m expecting some nautical niceness Brid!
Sam from Mouse, Moo & Me Too who promises me she has some new goodies to write about.
Katie from Mummy In A Tutu – thanks Katie for volunteering 🙂

<div align="center"><a href="" rel="dofollow" title="Mumzilla" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Mumzilla" style="border: none; height: auto; width: 200px;" /></a></div>
I’ve chosen the kitchen as the place to start my new challenge (I may do other rooms later!)
This is my stacking utensils set from Joseph Joseph. I bloody love their stuff (I have to save up if I want something mind, it is quite pricey) They have a really good range in John Lewis and I’ve got my eye on their chopping boards next! I love this because it’s colourful, clever and useful. I use them every day and they make me smile. Perky utensils!
This is my fold up cooking book rest (currently displaying a delicious slimming world recipe!) I love it. Possibly also from Joseph Joseph, I can’t remember. But it folds up like a book when you aren’t using it, so you can store it with your books rather than having it out on the side looking unloved. Again, something clever and useful *swoon*.
This is my total favourite thing in my kitchen. I am such a loser! It’s a little spoon rest/tea-bag dump, and I got one for Christmas last year. I was really gutted when it broke (someone put it in the dishwasher!!!) so I got another one this year! An enormous 75p from Tesco’s. Makes me smile every time – it’s just so cute!
Another thing that I think is super cute. The butter dish! I love the font, and it’s satisfyingly chunky. Butter will keep for ages and ages in this, and it tastes so much nicer than fridge spreads. Total butter converts in this house!
I couldn’t not have something personal in my favourite things so here’s our matchstick hedgehog! His name is Martin Matchstick and I love him too. Just in case you were thinking I was a snooty kitchen snob – I also love my junky, messy knick knacks!
Love it!!! The castle is seriously adorable, and my parents have a teapot spoon rest too which I love. I am going to join in at some point in the next week. I don’t want to be any more specific than that as I hate breaking promises haha.
Don’t worry no pressure 😀
What a fab idea, I love it and promise to join in when I’ve tidied up Love the utensils but the castle has to be my favourite ⭐️
It’s awesome isn’t it 😀
Great idea – love the list (and stacking Joseph utensils!) I can tell you what WON’T be on my list….the pile of marking I am meant to be doing right now!!! Must leave the Twitter and blogging sphere!!! Xx
Haha, the pile of ironing escaped my list for some reason!!
Great idea! Love the castle and Martin Matchstick, little mans very creative :o) The love of kitchen utensils means one thing – we’ve grown up!!! Will hopefully be joining you soon with a list of my favourite things x #TheList
Thank you 🙂
I love Joseph Joseph as well, I would have everything if funds allowed!! Love the idea of a mini challenge. I shall try and join in when I get a moment, it’s all got a bit hectic recently. #TheList
Thank you 🙂 I needed a bit of inspo then thought maybe other people might like it too 😀
Ahhh I love this! You have some lovely things! I have a very snazzy garlic squasher which I love and a similar teapot teabag rest…I would be very upset if someone broke it!!
I have a post in my lists about my son’s favourite things (it’s slightly more interesting than it sounds!)…I might use it for your challenge. I just have never got round to taking all the necessary pictures. Maybe now is the time! X
Yes! Join in join in!! 😀 x
I love how many of these are kitchen related! I’m with you on the real butter – once I made the switch, I could never go back to spreads again. This is such a fun challenge – I’m definitely going to participate! #fortheloveofBLOG
Thank you! Yep I started in the kitchen – there are others to come! 😀 xx
I love Joseph Joseph kitchen things! I have a chopping board that matches your spoons but isn’t as fancy as the set you linked to!
This looks like a good little challenge- I’m going to take some pics and join in! #fortheloveofBLOG
Thank you! Xx
Ooo I need one of those butter things! Haha love the castle. : ) Will try and link up this week, still have one more exam on the 10th then I have more time for blogging!
Hurrah! 🙂
Love the idea Zilla! I will join in next week when i have some spare time! I am quite nosey so love the idea of reading about peoples favourite things! xx
Thanks lovely – I like being nosey too! I might do one a week on different things! 😀
Great idea – might have to join you on this challenge! I love Joseph Joseph too, although hubbie doesn’t exactly approve. And a spoon rest is also one of my faves in the kitchen 🙂 Lovely post x #fortheloveofBLOG
Thanks lovely 🙂 xx
I am totally jealous of your kitchen utensils! Love it. #fortheloveofBLOG
Great idea for a challenge!
I can barely keep up with blogging and linkys as it is, so I will just have to be a silemt stalker for now! 🙂 xxx
Yep a nice little one off! 😀
What a great idea! I love your stacking utensils and who could live without a teabag holder!! #fortheloveofBLOG
Thanks! I’d wanted one for ages!
I love this post Mumzilla! I’ve got one of those cute teabag dumping things I think from Dunelm. very handy saves endless traipsing up and down to the bin for lazy ole me! Lovely idea for a post thanks for sharing #fortheloveofBLOG xx
Thank you
Ooh I like this! Will have a think about mine (trying not to go for wine related items!!) #fortheloveofblog
Thank you! Let me know if you do! 😀 xx
Love this idea. I love Joseph Joseph and today I have finally parted with the colourful empty boxes my Joseph Joseph lovely things came in (they were in my kitchen cupboards and stopping me from putting actual kitchen items in them!! I still might go and get them back out of the recycling bin…
I have the recipe book stand and the chopping boards…But one word of warning, they don’t like going in the dishwasher…They fade and peel 🙁
Thanks for sharing! #KCACOLS
I shall treat mine well when I get them then! Hand wash only
Oh I have that teabag holder but mine was from Wilkes for just 50p and I love it #KCACOLS
Haha, aren’t we funny?!
Love this idea – I love snooping round other people’s houses! Love your colourful stacking utensils – pretty and functional, so neat! Your castle is lovely #KCACOLS
It is an awesome castle! And the utensils are brill haha thank you
Great idea! I love seeing into other peoples homes and hoping beyond hope that they are as messy as mine!! Love that you did the kitchen first! Is that because (like me) it’s your default place to hide from the kids and eat cake? #fortheloveofBLOG
Pretty much!!! And I did have a tidy up first* 🙂
*shoved all the crap off the side
What a great idea! I love the butter dish! and the recipe book holder must really come in handy, I need something like that in my life! #kcacols
It’s brilliant! I was going to get a big flouncy ornate one but there’s just not room so this ones fab!
Such a lovely list, and an amazing idea to get the blog rolling when content-inspiration is lacking. I think I’ll definitely be writing my own 5 Favourites post before too long. #thelist
Thanks lovely! Let me know if you do and I’ll share 😀
I like the idea of a flexible challenge! I just did the a to z in april for two blogs. got a bit manic and only just seeing my husband again haha! #KCACOLS
Some of them are just massive!! :£
Fab series! Love it! You really made me laugh re kitchen snob – sadly I am one (I Know – I don’t like me either!). Loved the masterpiece but also loved that cute little butter dish!
I keep the clutter to the windowsills! Everything has its place, including all the random crap I like! 😀
oops #fortheloveofBLOG
back from #KCACOL !!
Love this challenge! I think I must be a bit nosy as I love reading these little insights into people’s homes and lives! I have a teabag dump just like that one, and love it too! It drove me mad before we got it when my husband would leave teabags at the edge of the sink! x #KCACOLS
Exactly!! 😀 xx
Ah I totally LOVE this idea! And you’ve given me some inspiration for some more bits I NEED for my kitchen! I’m totally joining in xx #KCACOLS
Hurrah! Let me know if you do so can share! 🙂
What a great idea, it’s nice to have something positive to chat about…I’m a bit of moaner at heart lol. I love those stacking utensils too. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday xx
Expect so! 😀
Amazing idea and I will definitely be joining in. Like you i’m a sucker for Joseph Joseph stuff and one of my favourite things in my kitchen is their chopping board and the wooden kitchen utensils!!! I’m sure you know what I’m talking about…
I do not! Link me IMMEDIATELY!! – or do the challenge 😉
Hurrah! Link me in when you do so I can share 😀
Such a great idea – I love anything that promotes positivity.
You’ve got me thinking about the favourite things in my kitchen – my slow cooker is definitely one!
Yes I love mine too!
Mine is probably in my top 10! Thank you – let me know if you join in! 😀
This is such a brilliant idea Sarah, I couldn’t keep up on #tribalchat what your 5 favourite things idea was all about, but your post sums it up perfectly. It is such a lovely and unique idea, and I hope you get many fellow bloggers joining you – there are so many ideas you can add to “My 5 favourite things” – my brain is buzzing already. I love all Joseph and Joseph items too, we have the knives and I would love the cooking utensils. Your post reminds that I really need a butter dish, I’m fed up of keeping unsalted butter wrapped up in its wrapper in the fridge. Thank you so much for joining our party at #fortheloveofBLOG, hope you can join us next week. Claire x
Thanks Claire! Let me know if you do join in, I would love to share anyone who is 😀 And yes, hopeless Joseph Joseph addict! 😀
Ahhh great idea! Next time I’m stuck for an idea I think I’ll try this! My biggest problem is usually finding the time to write – I only have Arthur’s bedtime to do my blogging and lately he’s been waking up lots more than usual so I had a good few weeks of just being too tired /exhausted / busy to even get the laptop out! Feel like I’m back on it now though – phew! #KCACOLS
Yay! Let me know if you do, would love to share!
This is a supe rcool post! I love this idea. I love the stacking utensils and the butter dish, I can see why they are your favorites! #KCACOLS
Thank you! Join in! 😀
LOVE love LOVE those little tea bag ‘dumper’ things. We had one too but I think ours got thrown away accidentally with the actual tea bag one day!! #kcacols
I love it – and just found it in the dishwasher again!!! Grrr…
What a great idea!! I also can’t commit to a daily blogging challenge-once a week is a push for me!! Something sporadic is more up my street!! I love that you’ve made a badge for it too!! Your little boys castle is amazing, my boys haven’t ventured further than finger painting yet, but I’m sure I’ll start gathering these treasures in my kitchen soon! It’s great the little things that really make our day-your teabag dump is super cute, and you’re definitely not a loser!! We’ve got a Joseph Joseph utensils set, but not a stacking set like that! Two of my favourite things in my kitchen have been destroyed by the assassin… I should’ve known better and put them in the loft-his climbing skills know no bounds… 1 was a set of espresso mugs from Jamie Oliver’s 15 restaurant, he broke 2 out of s set of 4, and when I moved away, an elderly neighbour gave me a lovely vintage dinner set, and the assassin broke a plate from it-I burst into tears!! Thanks for sharing with #bigpinklink
Oh no!!! I hate it when things get broken 🙁 If you join in let me know! xx
I loved this idea the minute it hit my inbox! In fact, I have this post saved so I an use your badge next time I am stuck. Great idea, love that you made a badge! #KCACOLS
Thank you! Let me know if you do! X
Thank you – link me in so I can share when you do! 🙂
Just wanted to say that I’m STILL working on my 5 favourite things post (it’s been like a week now), but I’m determined to finish it this weekend. I’ll let you know when it’s up! #PuddingLove
I’m working on my post- I promise! 🙂 xx #puddinglove
Such a good idea! I will be joining in when I can! Also, that utensil stacking thingy is just amazing! Thanks for sharing X #puddinglove
Link me up when you do!
What a great idea for a series. Love your Joseph Joseph utensils – we got the chopping boards as a wedding present and they would definitely be in my 5 favourite things from my kitchen. Love the butter dish too – proper butter is so nice. Your son did a great job on the castle and the matchstick hedgehog 🙂 #puddinglove
Thanks lovely. It was really fun to do. xx
Great idea! I am in love with your Joseph Joseph utensils!! I want some!! I love all of your favourites, now I just need to write my own list, things I absolutely need in my kitchen!! #puddinglove
I love them so much! I have quite a few other JJ bits too that are equally awesome!
Fab idea! I would have no idea what I would choose, if everyone lists where they got their things from I could redecorate!
Haha, all of those things I bought in John Lewis. I wish I could live in JL…
I need those Joseph Joseph utensils. Can never have too many utensils.
I must do one of these posts, keep reminding me! 😉
I will I’ll badger all the tribesters to do one! 😀
I love this idea! I will give it a go! Love your five favourite things, especially the hedgehog! 🙂
I know he’s so cute! 😀
Great idea, will be giving this a go! Have also had my eye on Joseph Joseph chopping boards for a while. Butter convert too 🙂
Thanks! Link me in if you do so I can share 😀
As much as I love this post, it’s also compounded to me just how much of a non domestic goddess I am. If someone asked me my favourite things I’d be ashamed to answer I think (yes fake tan being number 1) xx #stayclassy
Why not do your 5 favourite beauty things? It’s not limited to the kitchen – I’m planning on a series! 😀 xx
Back from #StayClassy, still need to buy one of those butter tin things! I’m going to link up later today to my favorite things, thanks for the reminder and sharing with #StayClassy!
Its like staking utensils and a game all in one boy would steal those…I want your stuff..she says creepily…I am on a train so my current fav 5 things are, Wifi, a plug socket, tea, chocolate and my laptop..#KCACOLS
Thats a good quick one! I want chocolate!!
Just popped back for #puddinglove!
Great idea, Thanks for linking up to #TheList x I was going to share it on Twitter for you but can’t see any sharing icons x
Oh annoying! I’ll sort that out.. I will tweet you with it??
Such a lovely idea! I liked the little butter dish. Thank you for hosting #PuddingLove
Thanks love X
What a great idea. Will have to think of my favourite things in the kitchen!
I love the utensils and the castle is really cute!
Laura xx
Choose any room! It’s all open 😀
We have very similar tastes! I have the other JJ utensil carousel thingy and the chopping boards. I love that book rest though – will be on the hunt for one now. I also adore your butter dish, I have a mug in that range and it’s a fave too! Great idea for a post #KCACOLS
Thank you – feel free to join in I love having a nose at what other people like 😀
Very good!
Oooh those Joseph Joseph spoons have been on my wish list for ages… I also love my teapot teabag holder, mine is spotty. But I think my favourite was probably the just out of view martin the matchstick hedgehog – he looked awesome. Thanks for co-hosting this week #PuddingLove
I love all those things – we have a tea bag rest and cook book holder.. which is my fave as use for tablet too. thanks for linking to #stayclassy
Yes I pop mine on there as well! 😀
aww the castle is super cute! 🙂
I love Joseph Joseph so I would probably add something of theirs from my kitchen too!
Really cute idea! #puddinglove
Love this challenge but every time I see that really annoying song pops into my head where she sings “here are a few of my favourite things”. Is that from Mary Poppins? #puddinglove
Hahahaha! Sorry earworm! You got me with wind the bloody bobbin up the other day so revenge is sweet!
Such a sweet idea, I’ll have to get onboard! #puddinglove
Thanks lovely – tag me if you do! xx
Sarah! I love this idea. Will have to do one of my own. Maybe this weekend. I also love that you chose your kitchen as it’s where a lot of my favorite things are as well. I’m always asking for fun kitchen items as gifts. Your utensils are a lot of fun I had never heard of Joseph & Joseph. The way that they stack up is really neat.
#puddinglove #KCACOLS
Thanks Sarah, link me up if you do! 🙂
Great list! I made a hedgehog very similar to your son’s when I was a kid. Love the butter dish, too – I have never been able to get on board with marg spreads, having grown up in a buttery household! #triballove #thelist #puddinglove
Butter for the win!
I still need to get on with this challenge! I will try to get organised next week after half term 🙂 Thanks for linking with #PuddingLove
I like the look of your cookbook stand. I could do with one of those.
Think I got it in John Lewis 🙂
I’m with you on the butter/butter dish thing – so much better for you than i-can’t-believe-its-rubbish and love the satisfying sound of the lid going down on that soft real butter. It’s the little things, eh? 😉 #HomeEtc
It really is 🙂 Thanks for commenting 🙂
Yes indeed – when the bin is a foot away no doubt!
I love seeing what others have and love, I’m nosy like that! LOL This is a great series and I will be checking back!
I love the stacking utensils and the butter dish, I’m thinking that I need both of them. I’ve never heard of Joseph Joseph, I will be checking them out, how fun!
Yes, you are a kitchen snob! LOL I love that you included your kids projects, those are the things that add so much love to a well stocked kitchen!
What a great idea for a series!!!! I may have to jump on this train lovely! #DreamTeam
Hey Sarah, how are you? Love your post on your 5 favourite things (in one room!) It’s a cool idea. I’ll be borrowing it at some point so will use the badge! Just need to decide on one room now…
Hiya. I’m good thanks, hope you are well! Make sure you tag me if you do! Xx
well your kitchen looks far too tidy, apart from maybe the last photo 😉 you have a great taste, i love all those things! #ablogginggoodtime
I shoved all the crap out of the way for the pictures…
This is such a good idea I will definitely be linking up my favourite things! #ablogginggoodtime
Thank you! Let me know if you do! Xx
Those utensils! I wonder if the hubby will notice if they magically appear on my kitchen counter. Great idea for a post #ablogginggoodtime
Those stacking utensils look great, and so unusual. I love things like that. You really did a fun, easy post and I may even have a go (pinching the badge of course) in the future! #dreamteam
Do! Please let me know if you do! 😀
Aw still loving your spoon rest and I love the font of the butter dish too. Thanks for linking up to #dreamteam Great to have you x
Might uprev mine and deviate away from food and drink items, lol. Still think this is a great series for getting out of a blogging rut and easing back in, taking inspiration from everyday stuff. You should totally do a wedding version when you’re all married off (if you’re not sick of wedding talk by then). #EatSleepBlogRT
Oh that’s a good idea!!!! Xx
Love this post so much, might have join in! The tea dumper thing is gorgeous and if i was a tea drinker I would lap this up! also love the stacker, what a great idea 🙂 thanks for sharing #EatSleepBlogRT
Do! And let me know if you do so I can share xx
Yay! I stil love this challenge #EatSleepBlogRT
Dooooo iiiiiit xxx
#EatSleepBlogRT isn’t it funny how simple the things you love are – little things like standing up utensils bring so much joy
Have commented on this previously but I’m going to join in this week with my own five favourite things. I have a funny feeling that most of mine will be edible! ha! #eatsleepblogRT
OMG Those spoons are insane but so cool… I want some!
Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime #triballove
Ah you have reminded me that I still need to do this!! I just don’t know where the time goes… Still love that cute little teapot x #EatSleepBlogRT
I love this idea! Mind if I join in? It’s great on so many levels, from a blogger prompt, to a positive and grateful exercise, via a reason to tidy up and sort some stuff out! Are you linking up anywhere or just sharing?
I linked it up lots when I started it, but it never really took off! Please join in and let me know! 🙂 xx
Ooh how exciting! I am loving this idea. May well have to join in, when I’ve worked out how to use the code #stilllearning!
What a fab idea. Noticed that the post was from months ago but can’t wait to do it.
What a fun idea.
This sounds great, but for some reason none of your pictures are working on my browser :-/
Thank you for pointing this out!! Have fixed now! xx
This is perfect, just what I need right now thanks! I will be joining in soon 🙂
I like this! I’ll join in over the weekend Where to start!?
My son came home with a similar hedgehog from school, it has pride of place in my kitchen too. What a great idea for a blog post, really enjoyed reading it 🙂
I like this idea a lot. I think this may be my new post. thanks for the badge, i had trouble clicking the link, so ive copied and pasted the picture. hope that’s ok? x
Thanks – copying the badge is fine, you should be able to put a link on the picture too 🙂
I really liked this post; I think most of my favourite things would be from my kitchen too! I was in a store a few months back and saw an entire range of kitchen ware like your butter dish- the egg cups simply had ‘egg’ written on them, which was the best thing ever. My other half said I couldn’t buy them though.. the man has no taste! 😉