A Month In Review – October

This month has whizzed by! I can’t believe it’s November already. It will be Christmas before we know it – which is great for me because I LOVE Christmas (check out my christmas giftguide giveaway!) Anyway, digression as usual – how was October in all things bloggy?

Goals for October:

1: Pitch a brand for a review

2: Keep up the higher views

3: Keep up the social media increases

Well…I *kind* of did number 1. I posted about needing a planner on twitter in a hinty tweet, and someone else put me on to Pirongs, who happened to be doing some blogger work. Does that count? Probably not. I did actually write a pitch too, but it tailed off and the PR stopped answering, so that was a slight fail!

Higher views and social media though, well! I’m running 3 giveaways at the moment and boy do they give your views a good kick up the bum. At the time of writing this (yesterday!) I am less than a 100 views away from 10,000! Amazing! Even without the giveaways I would have had my best month so far – it’s really gratifying seeing so much hard work turning into numbers I can be proud of.

I’ve had less new twitter followers this month, but still more than 1,000 so I’m not going to complain. I still need to work on the other platforms!

High Points Of The Month:

1: Guest posting on BabyCentre

2: Getting a Mumsnet front page

3: Views!

I love guest posting, and it’s something that I pitched to do, so I was really pleased to see my name up there on a highly respected and well read website! Not that I know if anyone actually read it or not – but here it is you want it – The Five Stages of Weaning.

I was also pleased to finally get on that dratted Mumsnet front page! Yes! I should clearly write more feminist stuff!

So pleased with the views this month, really happy with them (even though I went down in Tots – why? Why Tots?!?)

Goals for November:

1: Pitch for more guest posts/get on Mumsnet/Britmums again – so good for DA! Which went down 1 this month, grr.

2: Work on Facebook and Instagram – twitter is good, but if you can crack Facebook you’ve made it.

3: Keep up the earning – I’ve done ok this month, and I’d like to keep on in the same fashion!

Blogs I’ve Loved This Month:

The PENIS campaign – a very serious matter for parents who have lost their sense of humour during childbirth…and an apology to men, both from Another 10 Things

Top 10 Tips For Selling Online from my pal Fran.

Monthly Round Up


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