I’m a big fan of adult education – especially the sort that is flexible and easily accessible. So I was happy to trial run an NCC online course – I haven’t done anything like this for a long time, and it’s good to shake your brain up every once in a while.
I picked Genealogy as a course. It’s an area I’m interested in generally – I’m frightfully nosey and I’ve dabbled once or twice in some of the free trials that genealogy websites run, but I’ve tended to get a bit lost along the way! So I’m happily getting stuck in to some actual proper theory.
NCC offers lots of different courses and they are currently offering 20% off. There are things like Autism Awareness, Criminal Psychology, Nail Art – yes, real all sorts!
I’ve only done a couple of modules so far but I’m really enjoying snatching the odd half an hour on learning again. I will write a proper course review when I’ve finished it – and maybe dug up some scandalous history, who knows?!