My son is almost incapable of entertaining himself. Maybe it’s because he’s an only child – he’s never really *had* to because I’ve been there as an on tap creator of games, provider of snacks and pusher of swings.
It gets very tiring. Kids are BORING. There I said it. Most children, and their games, bore me stupid. I’m an awful mother I know. I completely lack imagination when it comes to things to do to entertain my own child. I’m not a full time stay at home Mum – I worked 5 days a week until relentless pestering from the boy’s Dad persuaded me to go part time. So now, it’s up to me to entertain the boy on the days he’s not at nursery or the childminders, where there are friends to play with and activities coming out of his ears.
I love our days together, but as I said earlier, it can be boring (I know, I know, I should treasure these moments, but I can’t help it – hide and seek is boring. Jumping on the trampoline wrecks your knockers – I JUST WANT A CUP OF TEA. Etc)
So! I have decided to try something I saw online recently – namely The Rainy Day Box Company. This is Mumtrepeneur (have I spelt that right?!) business at its very best. Once a month you get a box full of activities through the post. I don’t know about you, but I love getting things through the post. I already get a Birchbox and a Simply Cook box once a month (it drives M mad – there are boxes everywhere, but I don’t care because PRESENTS for ME) so it took very little persuasion to try this as well.
So I just had a look today and was pleased to see the website is cheerful and easy to use (and has PayPal, which always pleases me greatly because I don’t have to get off my backside and look for my wallet). There are a couple of choices – a letterbox subscription, which comes once a month in a small box that will fit through the door. You can’t choose the activities in this one, but you can stop your sub at any time if you don’t like it which is good. There is also a one off Summer Holidays box on offer at the moment, which looks like it would be perfect to take on holiday with you, for a long journey or to play with when away.
I decided to go for the main option, which is Build a Box where you get to choose the activities yourself rather than pot luck like with the letter box choice. You get three choices of box – either a ‘Make & Bake’, ‘Crafty Box’, or ‘Games Box’. I chose Make and Bake, because the boy really enjoys cooking, and I really like making things – hopefully we’ll really enjoy it together. You get a choice of 5 different things to go in it too – I can’t wait to get it!
The box should arrive on the 1st of August – so I’ll do another post when it arrives and the boy gets to unpack it!