I was invited to go to London Bridge the other week, in order to be scared witless by a creepy interactive event at The London Tombs.
I went with a friend of mine for moral support. While we were waiting to go in (with a few drinks for courage!) she decided everyone coming out looked so terrified that she refused to go in! So much for wine courage!
So, I had to go in ON MY OWN (thanks, friend, that’s the last time I invite YOU anywhere!)
I had another drink in the waiting room, enjoying the creepy ass music and smoke effects billowing everywhere (the waiters were all made up zombie style for extra fear factor) There was also a snake – wah! The snake meant a few people were loitering in the gift shop, to keep away from it haha!
We had a creepy Sweeny Todd type warning us not to go in, and then it was full on ARGH – a series of rooms full of blood and guts and horrible freaky dolls and people jumping out on you. I just grabbed the people next to me and we went through as a human chain for safety haha – I wouldn’t recommend it for claustrophobics, as there are a few bits you need to squeeze through and it’s really dark!
The last room was the worst for me, because clowns.
I really enjoyed myself, apart from the clowns and my wimpy friend wimping out (she had a grand time with all the PR’s in the other room who hadn’t come through!)
There is a sale on tickets for Phobophobia at AttractionTix up until the 31st – it’s a good night out if you’re in town! You can watch the video below if you want to sample the fear….!
Disclaimer: I received free entry to this event in return for an honest review.