Wally The Washer Review & Giveaway

Wally the Washer is one of those great go-to games for quick entertainment. After the initial set up (sticking stickers and locating batteries and what not) it will sit happily in it’s box waiting to be played with and it’s ready to go at the switch of a button.

Wally The Washer Box

We were sent this to review and Rian and I have already played it about 8 times (current score 6-2 to me. Not that I keep track or anything) and he loves it. He’s nearly 8, but this is probably a good one for ages 4 right through to tweens because it’s funny.

It’s such a simple concept – two, three or four players take it in turns to press the button to open the spinning washing machine in the hope that some of ‘their’ clothes will fall out so they can hang them on their washing line (these are colour coordinated!) with the first one to get all their clothes out and hung up being the winner. There is a catch of course – tumbling around with the clothes is a stinky sock, and if that falls out on your turn you have to wear a big yellow peg on your nose until your next go! Rian thought that was completely hilarious.

Wally the washer peg on nose

There’s also occasionally a mad scrabble to hang out the last piece of washing if they both fall out at the same time – I accidentally knocked all mine over when that happened and all my clothes fell off (the line – they fell off the line) and I wasn’t best pleased, although Rian was.

This is also a game that you can leave the kids to play as it’s so easy – always a bonus. It does have small parts though, so while you could help a toddler play you wouldn’t want to leave them alone with it, unless you want the stinky sock to end up even stinkier…ditto naughty pets! This is also one of those rare games I actually quite liked playing as well, most of Rian’s board games bore me senseless but this one is nice and quick!

Washer laughing

Wally the Washer’s RRP is £24.99 and is widely available if you think it’s a good one for a Christmas list, but you could also win one here on the blog – usual T&C’s apply, UK only. Good Luck!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

9 thoughts on “Wally The Washer Review & Giveaway

  1. My six year old daughter absolutely loves playing games, she’s very competitive, she would really enjoy this one too, my luck would be that all mine fell off at the last moment too xxx

  2. Looks like a game my daughter would love. However the washer does look really small – Not sure if it is the angle or whether it is supposed to be one of those travel games

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