I’m sure at least some of you may have heard of wickeduncle.co.uk.
We were asked to do the Wicked Uncle Challenge. Pick a relative or friend who is – shall we say – hit or miss when it comes to buying gifts for your kids, they get a voucher for the website, and Wicked Uncle guarantees they will buy a great gift!
I was happy to rise to the challenge, and I nominated my sister, Rian’s Aunty Jos (or AJ as she refers to herself) AJ has a history of buying slightly odd or age inappropriate presents.
For his first birthday she bought him a t-shirt that admittedly did say “Age: 1” but was so preposterously large that he still wears it today. The second birthday present was this ridiculous animal:
I wouldn’t mind so much but it got sent to my work address and I had to cart it home on the tube. Man I got some weird looks.
Present for age 3 was probably the best one. She got him a Dust Buster. Yes, a hand held hoover. For a three year old. He did love our Henry Hoover, but the Dust Buster was somewhat beyond him.
So I thought Wicked Uncle may have met their match!
An excited boy was overjoyed when a frankly enormous box arrived with his name on it.
He opened it to discover not one but three great gifts!
One was a Space Hopper which had to be immediately blown up and bounced around on.
Excuse the pic, I’m a bit obsessed with the colour pop app at the moment!
He also got a projection torch with shark pictures (AJ has a slightly unnerving fascination with sharks…nasty toothy things if you ask me!) which he loves, and his favourite by far was the Atomic Sword Popper. So not only does he have a sword to swing about when he’s pretending to fight off Darth Vader, but he also gets to pop balls at me from across the room when I least suspect it. There’s no danger of injury, but it does make one jump when a foam ball suddenly plops in your lunch out of no where.
AJ also reported that the site was really easy to use and navigate, you can filter by age and gender as well as price, and you can pay with PayPal which is always a bonus.
He also delighted in playing with the packaging. Odd child.
**Disclaimer: We were given a £40 voucher for the purposes of this review, but all opinions and words are our own.**
This does look good but how do you go about telling said relative that they’re so shit at choosing presents that you’ve removed the need for them to choose anything? Is it right before you tell them you’re moving them into a care home? #chucklemums
The packaging is always a hit! My daughter always wants it and goes out to the garden to jump on it. Not the same as squeezing bubble wrap though! #chucklemums
I’m loving Aunty Jo – there’s a woman with personality! I would love *my son* to be given a dust buster (he would probably be thrilled and give it googley eyes and a place on his bed next to his soft toys!) I think I’ll be recommending The Wicked Uncle to about 96% of our extended family (thanks for that!) #chucklemums
What a fantastic idea!! Cannot believe she picked a dust buster..???? Funny how the packaging is often the main attraction!! #chucklemums
This is suck a fab idea! My sister is crap as present buying too and forgets that they are one and three and seems to buy toy guns and knifes or crappy barbies with tiny shoes they can’t put on! I’ve gotta send her the link stat! #chucklemums
No wonder you got odd looks carting that dog about – it looks quite life like! Like the idea of the website, will check it out. #chucklemums
Thanks so much for taking the Wicked Uncle Challenge. Well done AJ for passing with flying colours. Lovely photographs too!
Great stuff! Although I am enjoying the massive dog who had to ride the tube haha. Also the colourpop photo is ace!
Oh wow! Sounds amazing…There are certainly a few people I could point to that site!
What a great idea. They should do it for adults too then I can pass it on to the Husband for when he’s buying me presents. #chucklemums
Why do they always love the packaging so much? My 3yo still plays with that longer than any of his gifts! #chucklemums
A dust buster! Wetting myself over here. A f!cking dustbuster. Love it.
I’d shit myself with joy if a box that size arrived for me, let alone my 3yo! Looks brilliant and the colour pop photo is fab too. #chucklemums
Thesis a great idea…can think of the perfect person to point in this direction!! #chucklemums
Absolutely loving this website…all over it! #chucklemums
A dust-buster? No harm starting young… A cordless drill next!