Dear Diary. Blog. Diarog. Bliary?
I think I have survived the first day of our first Summer Holidays. Or should that be Hellidays?
I’m so knackered, so I think I shall just leave you with a list of what I did today:
- Get up at 6
- Sit in traffic for an hour on way to driving test
- Begin test
- Fail test 3 minutes in (bloody roundabouts)
- Get home and get tantrummed at for 10 minutes on sweet refusal
- Start sorting out toys
- Stare incredulously at amount of miscellaneous pirate playmobil crap
- Start making a lego spaceship model
- Persuade boy to try and wash garden windows while I watch 20 minutes of teen Vampire drama. Brooooding.
- Get moaned at for not going out. Waiting for parcel cannot leave house.
- Drag bag of compost over garden
- Put compost in pot
- Answer door, is parcels but not the much anticipated Cook4Me. Live in hope of additional parcel delivery
- In absence, boy has incorrectly planted carrot seeds in compost. Make mental note to buy carrots with greens on end to “plant” at some point.
- Decide to make scones
- Eat too much raw scone mix (me)
- Cook scones.
- Wonder where 6 scones have gone. Stare at boy suspiciously.
- Sort more toys out
- Boy appears in dinosaur, scares crap out of me.
- Give up on parcel, go out to post office then on to Park
- Actually get to finish my goddamn magazine
- Leave park and spend hour looking in every garden on the way home
- Come home. Hoover. Find several half eaten scones. Eat them myself. Sigh.
- Boy forces me to stare at compost, is convinced carrots are already growing.
- Make boy salad. Boy actually eats salad.
- Daddy home! Boys bounce on trampoline. I order takeaway. Boy demands take away.
- Food arrives and is consumed in human-hoover style.
- Watch Harry Potter. Boy still not in bed. *Eyeballs Daddy*
- Boy finally upstairs. Collapse on sofa.
- Get up again to put sodding hoover away.
- Put teen Vampire drama back on. Broooooding hashtag sexy hashtag am loser.
If I’m really honest, I’ve actually had a nice day. I am quite ear sore though. My boy can moan A LOT.
Boo to driving test and lack of desired parcel delivery. Hooray for scones and takeaway. What takeaway though?! The devil’s in the detail!
Chicken Katsu Curry…mmmm
Ha ha hilarious! I can see TVD being a general theme of Summer ’16! Sorry about the driving test – next time for sure x looking forward to more updates – summer holiday and TVD related! xx
Ah sorry to hear about driving test, it took me 5 times to pass..roundabouts are a pain. Scones and takeaway sound like a good day to me, look forward to reading more of your holiday updates 🙂 xx #fortheloveofBLOG
Hah this did make me laugh, and feel a little tired! Scones, YUM. Deliveries are the worst. Sorry about your driving test, I failed my first one on roundabouts too (well and 2 other things but I feel like the roundabouts was the biggie and that’s when I KNEW!!) – you’ll be fine next time I’m sure.
That dinosaur is hilarious, and quite creepy…Hope you guys have a fab summer. #fortheloveofBLOG
Ha ha! Love this! Where is our Cook4Me’s! ha ha! Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
Dreading it! My hell starts Thursday!
Go go girl, next time the driving test is yours. How happy I am that Baba is not talking yet… no moaning but he makes weird noises at times. Must be some kind of moan anyway. The good news is you didn’t have to cook dinner and next time, just don’t bother with the hoover. Enjoy the rest of the holidays
Oh bugger about the test!!! But yay for managing to get your son to eat that salad!!! #chucklemums
I failed my first driving test thanks to a sodding roundabout. Blasted things!
I love that dinosaur costume though, very cool!
‘Arse’ about the driving test but several other wins that day! Also thanks to Mouse Moo Me Too for enquiring as to which take away. Chicken Katsu Curry – only one of my favourites and something I miss about not living in Souf London anymore where you can get amazeballs takeaways. What is it about bloody parcels! ‘A stayed in for parcel never arrives’ sang to the same tune as ‘a watched pot never boils’ if there is a tune??? We don’t ‘break’ up until Friday (arrrrrrrrgh) #chucklemums – it’s what I call funny!
I love your: if I’m honest, at the end, but we don’t have the day’s dialogue, which is the exhausting bit. So yes, it did sound like a pretty fun day, but the moaning used to really, really drag me down…Alison x #Chucklemums
I love the way you’ve written this! The carrot growing made me laugh, my boy is convinced his pumpkins will grow even though they did grow but were since decimated by snails/slugs. Rubbish news about the driving test, happy news about the salad win and takeaway! #chucklemums
Sorry about the driving test 🙁 I love scones and bloody hate kids moaning every 5 seconds but such is life… Very funny x #thelist
Love the salad, looks delish. Just another day in the life of this season they call Summer. Apparently everyone loves it.. I guess they forgot to ask us moms how we feel about it! Or we just missed the FUN memo 🙂 .. 🙂 #chucklemums
I failed at a roundabout too, both times! It took me until my third to pass so fingers crossed for next time! I love the idea of scones and takeaway. I hope you had them properly with clotted cream, jam and fresh strawberries – or is that asking too much? 😉 #chucklemums
Fab! I’m currently trying to do a ‘Hellidays’ (love that haha) schedule of stuff that we can do…… I imagine week 2 will be when I scrap it hit the wine and put them in front of the TV! missed #chucklemums this week so will stop by next week xxx
There really are too many hours in a day. Until they go to bed, and then there aren’t enough! #Chucklemums
Oh no sorry to hear about your test! That really sucks! Hope day 2 goes a bit better? #fortheloveofBLOG
Life, eh…? Those round thistle things take me back to when I was about five (a very long time ago.) We had some in the garden, where we lived back then. Oh, and *I* passed second time, and hope you do, also. #chucklemums