My 2018 Social Media Plan

I was having a little chat with a fellow blogger on Facebook recently and he was discussing their upcoming changes to policy. Namely that they want positive people first interaction. Basically, a nice way of saying there won’t be any more organic reach, and if you want people to see your stuff on Facebook, you’re going to have to pay. Great.

To me, this is a bit of a kick in the teeth. People have liked my page because they want to see my content after all. If you don’t have a budget it looks like Facebook is going to be useless to you. I feel sorrier for bloggers with bigger pages than mine – I don’t get a lot of traffic from there anyway as it annoys me no end!

With this in mind though, I thought I should start getting to grips more with other social media and promotion while FB sticks its head up its bottom. Here’s my cunning plan. There are three major platforms that I would like to work on this year: Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. My idea is that I’m going to divide the year up and focus on one at a time, for three months. Writing up notes, reading, implementing and recording any successes. You might have noticed that three platforms for three months is only 9 months out of the year. That’s because I’m not forgetting about the book of face. Oh no, I’m ignoring it until the end of the year, then I’ll see where it’s at and focus my attention there.

I’m going to start I think with Instagram. I have an ok following (just over 3k) but this hasn’t changed in six months or more, and my engagement is frankly pathetic. I know I need to learn more about how the platform works and about how to make the most of it. I’ve decided to start with Instagram because I’m going to be focussing more on food and interiors this year – which has a very visual focus, so I’ll have lots of material to start using.

Then I’ll be focussing on Pinterest. This is the main platform I want to try and master this year. I want to start on it now, but I think that gathering more material in the next three months with food and interior posts – again, visual – will lend itself to making a big push on Pinterest. I’ll have more to work with. There are so many amazing bloggers writing about it, I can’t wait to get stuck into it.

The third part of the year I’ll be looking at Twitter – which is actually by far my strongest platform, with more than 12,000 followers and steadily growing. I love it. Because I’m fairly confident with it, I might also combine this quarter with working on organic traffic and SEO – making old posts evergreen, and brushing up on my keywords and what not. There’s a lot to learn there too.

So, Facebook. I’ll be coming for you in October. Be ready.

Getting all this down on screen has given me a bit of a boost today – I think a written plan is slightly more likely to be implemented. What are your social media goals this year?

Social Media Plan

(image via UnSplash)

17 thoughts on “My 2018 Social Media Plan

  1. Good idea to divide it up like this. I am a Pinterest addict so will definitely focus on this one and my customers use it but my products are not visual so it means more work for me.

  2. I’m not sure I have one! All the social media platforms seem determined to make things impossible for small content creators which seems very short sighted. All the major content creators they love started from nothing and they need a pipeline. Good luck! #ablogginggoodtime

  3. UGH. I don’t even want to look at all this, but I know I need to work harder, so thanks for sharing your plan and your thoughts. I’m going to be interested to follow your progress via your newsletter. I’ve got a lot to learn!

  4. This post has lit a fire under my butt! I need to focus on one or two platforms and build those. I ran a giveaway that boosted my twitter. It was only for $10 but I was amazed at how many followers I ended up with. Now we shall see if they stick. #ablogginggoodtime

  5. Great post! I love Twitter too and only discovered it in April so am pleased how it is going. Instagram frustrates me no end as not all my followers get to see all my posts now….stupid rule. I have a Facebook page but, like you, only people who really like it are followers. I have paid for a couple of promotions of there before and yes, it brings you traffic, but it costs money! I’m experimenting with StumbleUpon and Pinterest but am a newbie so don’t really know what I’m doing! #ablogginggoodtime

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