Pre-holiday diet desperation – food by post!

So we finally got our bum’s in gear and booked our holiday – Tenerife (or Tanarife, as the girls fondly call it and our go to girly break destination). I’m very excited, but there is a dark cloud on the horizon. Or around my waist. Namely two stone of god knows what. Well, it’s fat, I know that but it probably consists of cheese, wine, pasta and toast. Which has lead to some pre-holiday diet desperation.

It’s really annoying that I’ve even put on weight. I’ve always been a standard (if a bit tall) size 12 and weighed around 10.5 stone, with a few scrawny patches (one of them AFTER I gave birth, oh the irony!) But about 14 months after I had Rian, I noticed that my clothes were getting tight. At first I cursed Primark for changing their sizes. Then I started to get tired, and depressed. I thought this was due to Rian never sleeping and the fact I was surviving on three hours sleep a night and a packet of Hobnobs every day, but I’ve always been partial to a biscuit or 17. I ended up going to the Drs and asking for a blood test and my Dr Google suspicions were right – my thyroid had packed up.

Since then, despite not changing my eating or exercising habits (that being a bit greedy and no exercise) I’ve gradually put on more than 2 and a half stone. And nearly all of it hangs around my stomach. I still look ok-ish if I dress in loose tops, my legs and arms haven’t really changed size, but that just won’t do on holiday in a bikini. Or a Kaftan. Or a massive bloody towel over me at all times. I’m getting a bit fed up of looking like a sausage escaping from a roll.

So, being lazy and prone to cheating on every diet I’ve ever done, I decided to fork out for one of those diet meal delivery services. The food is actually really tasty, it’s just so tiny! Either I have always been eating four times the amount I was supposed to and had previously been blessed with an awesome metabolism, or I have inadvertently bought the plan for obese mice ladies who want to impress their mice husbands.

Anyway, I’ll let you know how it goes. Assuming I don’t wither away into nothing. I’ve only been doing it for a week (5 days properly – there were BBQ’s and weddings and stuff…ahem) and I don’t feel like I’ve lost much, if any. I don’t even know if it will work because of the thyroid issue. Highly unfair. Husband and I have also got a sneaky break away coming up at the end of the summer. It might be nice to look more like the person I was when we first met rather than this lumpy person.

Wish me luck.

Pre-holiday diet

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